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- Smart 
- Obedient 
- Long lives 
- Loves children 



This is not just a reduced copy of the standard schnauzer. Although miniature schnauzer is directly derived from the standard schnauzer and possibly from selective crosses with miniature pinschers and affenpinschers. Nowadays, he represents a completely independent breed with peculiarities of physique and temperament inherent only to him. It is used to catch rats, in this field it shows outstanding abilities.

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Feels better when living at home

Miniature Schnauzer - the spitting image of a miniature schnauzer, an adorable little dog with bushy eyebrows. He is good-natured, loves children and is happy when he is with everyone in a house or a city apartment, and not in a nursery.


General form

Miniature Schnauzer - a dog of strong build, strong, muscular, fairly broad-bodied, almost square. His character combines ardor, reliability, strength, endurance and seething energy. Subtle flair and intelligence are his features: he is always on the alert.



The ideal height is 33 cm for females and 35.5 cm for males.



Miniature Schnauzer likes to frolic in the garden and looks forward to long walks when he can run off-leash.


Hair care

A dog of this breed has to be plucked by hand in spring and summer, and even more often if they want to show it at exhibitions. Invite a specialist for this purpose or go through a briefing at the club - remember that inept, clumsy hands can ruin even the best character. Thorough brushing once a week is essential, as is combing out dead undercoat hairs.



Miniature Schnauzer is very unpretentious, both in keeping and eating. He really is the perfect city dog. Small sizes zwerga  require little space, its walking and maintaining a good shape - less time, and its maintenance - less financial costs. In food zwerg is not picky and is not prone to gluttony. It is very convenient for traveling, both around the city and on long trips. It can be safely carried in a special shoulder bag or in a small box. 
Indeed, you might think that zwerga created by people just for fun. 
Even in the variety of coat colors with zwerg , only a poodle can be compared.  zwerga officially recognized 4 colors: pure black, black with silver, pepper and salt, pure white. 
But also, when getting acquainted with the breed, I especially want to warn you: this cute little bearded man, with the wrong upbringing, can easily sit on your head, and you will have to endure his temper for many years, and, experiencing his sharp teeth on yourself, on the occasion of your wrong, how can he seem to have an attitude towards him. Zwergschnauzer a service dog and requires a correct and strict attitude towards him._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad_5cf5cf58d


"A dog brings joy to those who really need it"

 Miniature Schnauzer  - the smallest service dog breed. He successfully works at customs. A good watchman in the house and at their summer cottage, and also will not miss the opportunity to catch a rodent. Character zwerga independent, lively, he dared to recklessness. It cannot be called absolutely obedient, since it has a place to be a little extravagant. Once in the house, choosing a master who respects and understands him, zwerg becomes an integral part of this person to mutual pleasure. Love is love, but don't fall under his paw, friendship is friendship, but -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Zwerga cannot be deceived, otherwise, being cunning by nature, he will adapt and be clever. You should be fair and considerate towards him. You will not achieve anything with punishments, only persuasion and explanations should be in your pedagogical arsenal. 
  Miniature Schnauzer - a dog for open, kind and cheerful people who are able to understand its essence. If you are a boring, phlegmatic person, then this dog is not for you.




щенки цвергшнауцера


  When purchasing a puppy from a breeder, take an interest in what the puppy eats, and stick to this diet for the first days of adaptation in your home. New foods are introduced into the puppy's diet gradually and not in one day. When giving products to which the puppy is not accustomed, they give LACTOBIFID (half an hour before a meal) at the rate of one tablet per 10 kg of the puppy's weight. The puppy needs to be taught to eat everything that he should receive, and not what he likes. Feeding puppies should be given special attention. Overfeeding leads not only to excessive fullness with the ensuing consequences, but also accelerates the growth rate of the puppy, which often causes problems with the development of the skeleton.

  Собака НЕ ДОЛЖНА ЗНАТЬ ВКУСА КОПЧЕНОСТЕЙ, СЛАДОСТЕЙ, ЖАРЕНОГО И ЖИРНОГО!!! When feeding natural foods, your little food bowl should look something like this: the basis of the diet, approximately 75% animal products and 25% vegetable.


щенки цвергшнауцера


  Feed should be 4 times a day. Daily amount of feed 80-180 gr. This is the period when the puppy's rapid growth occurs and feeding should be complete and high-calorie, containing vitamins and minerals. The puppy should receive 5 times a week meat, 2-3 times egg yolk. From this age, boiled fish begin to be given 2 times a week. Kefir ("Bifidok"), cottage cheese ("House in the Village") and vegetable products - daily. DO NOT GIVE MILK!!!



  At this age, puppies switch to three meals a day. Often the puppy himself skips one feeding, thereby adapting to the new regimen. This period in a puppy's life is still very stressful. The growth and development of the puppy continues, there comes a change of teeth, maturation of wool, one of the periods of puberty. The physiological and psychological burden on the puppy is enormous, and you should be very attentive to your pet. The daily amount of feed is 230-380 grams.



  Until the age of nine months, try to feed your puppy three times a day. Nutrition during this period is not much different from the previous one. The puppy should still receive the same set of foods. By this period, the main growth of the puppy is completed, the teeth have changed, however, the formation of the skeleton and muscles has not yet been completed and falls precisely on this period of the animal's development. Quality meat and in sufficient quantities will greatly contribute to this. The daily amount of feed is 380-400 grams.



  Puppies are fed 2 times a day. Food should be complete and varied. During this period, the formation of the puppy is still ongoing. It is useful to arrange a half-day fast for the dog once a week, excluding one feeding, in order to completely free the gastrointestinal tract from toxins. The daily amount of feed is 380 grams.



  Nutritional standards are somewhat reduced. But nutrition must still be complete. It is better to feed the dog 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. The daily feed intake is approximately 350 grams. A dog should have raw meat or other natural meat products at least 5 times a week, but not sausages and sausages, fish 2 times a week, raw yolk 1-2 times, vegetables in a variety of forms every day.

  •  If your pet eats dry food, it must have constant access to water.

  •  When soaking the food, you should use only boiled, filtered water, but in no case hot (since all vitamins are killed).

  •  Do not add other natural products, broth, milk to the feed.

  •  It is not recommended to mix different brands of food, both dry and canned, as all diets have a different degree of digestibility.

Цвергшнауцер, питомник, щенки, собаки
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